viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019

WEEKS 3 & 4: Let's find Solutions to Climate Change and TAKE ACTIONS!

🚨Activate subtitles for English & French

After 4 weeks of intensive brainstorming, my 37 Students (from La Purísima EFI Valencia - Academic French Subject, aged 16 to 18) are being almost 'experts' in #ClimateActionP. 
Yet, we haven't totally finished our Adventure: with the last but not the least part of this awe-inspiring Project, we are going to keep sharing solutions with our local community and other worldwide schools taking part in this global project and we will actually take Actions with #PlantED at the end of November to plant Trees in Naquera township, a village near Valencia in Spain. 
We will also set up an exposition to divulge all the great ideas that our students came to in order to inform our School Community about the Climate Change issue in a didactic way.

So that, the Educational journey undertaken in early October will go on to keep us aware of the delicate situation we are all in!!!
Indeed, we still have a long way to traverse as Global Citizens but it has been a smart start to begin acting as individual human being to help changing the predestinate future of our Planet Earth if we still conduct ourselves that way... 

As teacher, I must also enhance that I've been learning a lot, thanks to your great Lesson Plans Koen, and that I'm looking forward to endorsing the next mission.

Here the result of my Students' substantial work to come up with Solutions:

sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

Week 3 #ClimateActionP: After determining the Causes (WEEK 1) & Effects (WEEK 2) of CLIMATE CHANGE: - LET'S TAKE ACTION!


Climate change is real and has been caused by mankind: It is a fact. Students from Spain have spent the last 2 weeks brainstorming about the causes & Effects of Climate Warming...

There is already a 97% consensus on this among climate scientists. Solutions for global warming must come at the individual level, also come from governments, at the national level, but, equally important is what from schools We all  can do: Educators together with Students to combat the consequences of climate change.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

ClimateActionP: WEEK 2: the effects

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves

🔥🌍Examine Global and Local Impacts of a Changing Climate🌏🔥

What are the similarities and differences in how climate change is impacting our planet and our local community? Develop a hypothesis/prediction (brainstorming activity of the local and global effects)

A warming climate may be having impacts on????
• Flora (plants)🌳🌻🍃🍁🌱
• Fauna (animals)🐋🐧🐘🐠🐻🐒🐾🐝
• Weather patterns☂☁☀☃⛅
• Human activities and how we live👬🙆🙅😕


martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

ClimateActionP WEEK 1: CAUSE

Resultado de imagen de drapeaux español anglais français

It's tough to handle in just a week all the thinking of Students about Climate Change but after hard brainstormings to explore the real causes of such a climate, the awesome results :


'Students collaborating like scientific apprentices, dealing with such a delicate issue and in French...'

1- The main differences to know about Climate & Weather (developing background knowledge)
2- Their personal definition of Climate Change.
3- Development of their own prediction-hypothesis on the fact that climate is changing.
4- Their conclusions why Humans are causing the climate?

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Climate Action Project

'Let's change the world by bringing it into your classrooms'

Changeons le Monde en l'amenant dans la classe!


Semaine 1: EXPLORATION: PENSÉE CRITIQUE -  Brainstorming.

What is causing Climate Change?
Is it the same locally as globally?

Quelle est la cause du changement climatique?
Est-ce le même localement que globalement?

Compréhension Orale

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2019

PLANIFICACIÓN PARA PROYECTO EDUCATIVO SOLIDARIO: Secuencia Didáctica de una carta formal: Expresión Escrita

PLANIFICACIÓN PARA PROYECTO EDUCATIVO SOLIDARIO: Secuencia Didáctica de una carta formal: Expresión Escrita

¡Imagínese lo que sucedería si todos comenzásemos a recolectar artículos significativos e impresionantes para subastarlos! Los beneficios podrían ser mandados a una Asociación Benéfica, ONGs del barrio o  servir a organizar viajes solidarios...

¿Cómo puedo ser parte de esto?

¡Involucra a tus alumnos!

Propuesta de planificación:

+ Proyecto: elaborar una carta formal y convincente para recaudar Fondos o Material mediante una subasta para el proyecto solidario que haya elegido el centro educativo.

domingo, 28 de julio de 2019

Climate Action Project - Octobre 2019 (Préparation séances didactiques I)


Notre climat change: Projet mondial inspirant 500 écoles de plus de 100 pays.

Au cours de 4 semaines, des étudiants de 6 continents différents vont explorer, organiser des réunions, discuter, créer, se connecter, présenter et partager leurs découvertes sur des thèmes liés aux changements climatiques.

Ensemble, professeurs et étudiants, nous espérons inculquer une meilleure compréhension de l'importance de prendre des mesures contre le changement climatique.

martes, 25 de junio de 2019

Erasmus + KA1 Staff Mobility Enhancing Creativity and Innovation in the XXIst Century ClassroomLab

Enhancing Creativity and Innovation in the 21st Century Classroom Lab
Taking part, as a teacher, in the FCL Summer Academy course, part of an Erasmus KA2 Mobility, (thanks to @sepiegob) has been so far my best experience ever, which allowed me to boost creativity in my classroom, providing me with such great tips as:
– The eTwinning platform
– Digital content curation
– Design thinking in the classroom
– Emerging technologies in education such as Augmented reality and Virtual reality
– eSafety in my classroom and school
– Coding
– Flipped Classroom resources
– Digital storytelling and so on…

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2019

#NoMorePlastic Week 3

Week 3: #NoMorePlastic Campaign


Why  are fish crying???


Unfortunately 3 weeks aren't enough to spread  the #no.more.plastic Project from @zelfstudie

AIM: Getting ready to ban Single Use Plastic at School Community in Spain through French Subject. Of course, it will continue throughout May & June and so on when at final of the academic course all together: Educators, Teachers, Students with Families will share workshop about the importance of taking care of our PLANET EARTH!

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

La Touche Française: Activités pédagogiques - Ateliers didactiques

Pour sortir un peu de la routine, imaginons quelques activités complémentaires ludiques et didactiques... ici quelques petites idées qui marchent plutôt bien...

Para salir un poco de la rutina, imaginemos algunas actividades complementarias divertidas y didácticas ... aquí algunas ideas que han funcionado bastante bien ...

To get a little out of the routine, let's imagine some fun and didactic complementary activities ... here some  ideas that have worked quite well ....

domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

Día Internacional de la Tierra: 22 de abril #nomoreplastic

Día Internacional de la Tierra🌎

22 de abril empieza el proyecto #no.more.plastic de Koen Timmers en el cual más de 200 escuelas de más de 50 países tomarán partes. 


Nos unimos a este nuevo proyecto educativo con los alumnos de la materia de francés de 1º Bachiller.

We join this new educational project with the students of the French subject of 1st Bachiller.

Nous rejoignons ce nouveau projet éducatif avec les étudiants de la matière française de première scientifique et littéraire

Resultado de imagen de plastique océans

sábado, 20 de abril de 2019


El Guiño Verde:

#TeachersForFutureSpain    #fridaysforfuture 🌱🌎 (Español)

Como profesora de lenguas extranjeras en secundaria y bachiller, aprovecho esta oportunidad que me brinda el hecho de ser educadora, para abrir a mis alumnos una ventana nueva al mundo:

                                - Un mundo tan "globalizado" en las aulas del siglo XXI -

Ambiciosa y vertiginosa tarea pero con la convicción de que cada uno a su modo podría participar...