Taking part, as a teacher, in the FCL Summer Academy course, part of an Erasmus KA2 Mobility, (thanks to @sepiegob) has been so far my best experience ever, which allowed me to boost creativity in my classroom, providing me with such great tips as:
– The eTwinning platform
– Digital content curation
– Design thinking in the classroom
– Emerging technologies in education such as Augmented reality and Virtual reality
– eSafety in my classroom and school
– Coding
– Flipped Classroom resources
– Digital storytelling and so on…
– The eTwinning platform
– Digital content curation
– Design thinking in the classroom
– Emerging technologies in education such as Augmented reality and Virtual reality
– eSafety in my classroom and school
– Coding
– Flipped Classroom resources
– Digital storytelling and so on…