sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

Week 3 #ClimateActionP: After determining the Causes (WEEK 1) & Effects (WEEK 2) of CLIMATE CHANGE: - LET'S TAKE ACTION!


Climate change is real and has been caused by mankind: It is a fact. Students from Spain have spent the last 2 weeks brainstorming about the causes & Effects of Climate Warming...

There is already a 97% consensus on this among climate scientists. Solutions for global warming must come at the individual level, also come from governments, at the national level, but, equally important is what from schools We all  can do: Educators together with Students to combat the consequences of climate change.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

ClimateActionP: WEEK 2: the effects

Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from global climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves

🔥🌍Examine Global and Local Impacts of a Changing Climate🌏🔥

What are the similarities and differences in how climate change is impacting our planet and our local community? Develop a hypothesis/prediction (brainstorming activity of the local and global effects)

A warming climate may be having impacts on????
• Flora (plants)🌳🌻🍃🍁🌱
• Fauna (animals)🐋🐧🐘🐠🐻🐒🐾🐝
• Weather patterns☂☁☀☃⛅
• Human activities and how we live👬🙆🙅😕


martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

ClimateActionP WEEK 1: CAUSE

Resultado de imagen de drapeaux español anglais français

It's tough to handle in just a week all the thinking of Students about Climate Change but after hard brainstormings to explore the real causes of such a climate crisis...here, the awesome results :


'Students collaborating like scientific apprentices, dealing with such a delicate issue and in French...'

1- The main differences to know about Climate & Weather (developing background knowledge)
2- Their personal definition of Climate Change.
3- Development of their own prediction-hypothesis on the fact that climate is changing.
4- Their conclusions why Humans are causing the climate?